What Is Comb Layering
Comb layering is an igneous rock texture with long, skeletal to feathery, subparallel crystals oriented perpendicular to a planar boundary,
Comb layering is an igneous rock texture with long, skeletal to feathery, subparallel crystals oriented perpendicular to a planar boundary,
Graphic texture refers to an intimate intergrowth of quartz in alkali feldspar visible by an aided eye. This texture is
Perthite describes an intimate intergrowth of alkali feldspars, in which sodium plagioclase lamellae, blebs, or droplets exsolve in potassium feldspar.
Syenite is a coarse-grained plutonic rock with intermediate to felsic composition. Its composition and appearance resemble granite but is lower
Myrmekite describes the intergrowth of worm-like or vermicular quartz inside sodium-plagioclase (Na-plagioclase) in plutonic rocks. It usually occurs at the
Rapakivi texture forms when sodium plagioclase overgrows on or rims large, oval to ellipsoidal potassium feldspar phenocrysts. Phenocrsyts are large
Harzburgite is a peridotite primarily made up of olivine, orthopyroxene, and a small amount of clinopyroxenes. Peridotites are coarse-grained, ultrabasic,
Aplite rocks are light-colored intrusive igneous rocks with fine-grained, even, or equigranular sugary or saccharoidal phaneritic texture. Phaneritic implies you
Norite is a coarse-grained, dark-colored plutonic rock of mafic composition. Mafic refers to minerals or rocks rich in iron and
Miarolitic cavities or pods refer to small, irregular cavities in intrusive or plutonic igneous rock, usually lined with well-formed or